

type Packet








Unknown0Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingUnspecified packet type default behavior is to drop the packet
Unsupported1Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingUnsupported packet default behavior is to return the packet
Authenticate2Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingAuthenticate connection Used to verify the verifier public key ownership corresponds to AuthenticationRequest message TODO rename -&rt; ConnectionRequest
ConnectionAuthenticated7Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingAuthenticate connection Used to verify the verifier public key ownership corresponds to AuthenticationRequest message TODO rename -&rt; ConnectionRequest
KeepAlive5Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingLife signal packet Used to signal the gateway and/or client that the connection is still alive
Acknowledgement6Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingAcknowledgement of packet Used by a recipient to signal to the sender of the a packet that it has been received.
AddAssociatedConnection9Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processing--- ConnectionPool flow --- Used to indicate an associated identity addition, sent to the server
DropAssociatedConnection10Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingUsed to indicate an associated identity drop, sent to the server
AssociatedConnectionAdded11Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingUsed to indicate an associated Uetr connection addition, sent to the client
AssociatedConnectionDropped12Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingUsed to indicate an associated Uetr connection drop, sent to the client
AssociatedConnectionWithData13Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingUsed to indicate an AssociatedConnectionAdded with a nested packet sent to the client
IdentityRequest200Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingIdentity Request Request identity of a verifier in the network Corresponds to IdentityRequest message
IdentityResponse201Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingIdentity Response Response to identity request Corresponds to IdentityResponse message
IdentityProof202Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingIdentity proof Identity proof to be added to subject DID document Corresponds to IdentityProof
AuthorizationRequest300Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingNotarization Batch Request for authorized signature with a payload of NotarizationRequestData. Notary replies with an AuthorizedNotarizationBatch packet.
AuthorizationResponse301Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingAuthorized Notarization Batch Response to a AuthorizationRequest with a payload of NotarizationResponseData.
AuthorizationFailed302Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingAuthorizationFailure Response from the Notary in the even of a failure to Notarize.
EmissaryBroadcast400Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingEmissaryBroadcast Signal to the Emissary to broadcast a data payload to all of the Emissary server's connections.
ContractProposal500Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingContract Commitment Update a contract with the addition of a commitment
ContractProposalAck501Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingContract Ack Acknowledgement to participate in contract
ContractProposalNack502Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingContract Nack Acknowledgement to reject a contract
ContractSignature503Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingContract Signature Updates a contract with the addition of a signature
ContractComplete504Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingHolds a finalized contract in the packet data field
TxnRecoveryResponse600Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processing--------------------------- Recovery Packets 600..699 --------------------------- Message sent by a coordinator to the participant in response to a recovery request, which the participant can use to determine where in the process to recover from.
TxnRecoveryRequest601Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingMessage sent by the participant of a transaction to the Transaction Manager. The Transaction Manager responds with the RecoveryData packet so the participant can recover the transaction.
TxnCommitmentLocked1302Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingLock Promissory Batch Ack Notice from TM that the batch of promissories was submitted.
RetrieveAssetsRequest1303Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingRetrieve Assets Request to have a notary send Promissory packets back to the requester for each promissory related to a given transaction and owned by the requester.
RetrieveAssetsResponse1304Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingResponse by TM AssetTransferSm to the contract participants, providing them the final asset transfer of the transaction as well as any new promissories for the recipient.
TxnOpenRequest1305Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingPayer instruction to the Transaction Manager to start a new contract payment using a signed contract.
TxnOpenResponse1306Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingTransaction Manager acknowledgement of the contract payment using the provided signed contract.
TxnAssetsAuthorized1307Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingTransaction Manager acknowledgement to the contract participants that the assets have been authorized and are ready to be retrieved.
TxnSecretRequest1308Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingMessage sent from the Transaction Manager to the Hash Provider in a HTLC contract. This indicates a request for the recipient to provide the secret.
TxnSecretResponse1309Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingMessage sent from a participant in response to receiving a TxnSecretRequest packet
TxnSecretBroadcast1310Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingMessage sent from a TM to all participants broadcasting the finalized secret for a given transaction.
TxnCancelled1311Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingMessage sent by the Transaction Manager to the contract participants in the event the transaction was unable to complete.
TxnContractNack1312Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingTransaction Manager negative-acknowledgement of the contract payment using the provided signed contract.
TxnActiveGroup1313Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingMessage sent by the Transaction Manager to the contract participants, informing them to send their promissories.
TxnActiveGroupRequest1314Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingUsed by participants to request the current active group of an ongoing transaction.
TxnCommitment1315Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingMessage sent by a Participant to the Transaction Manager with the commitment IRI in the header and an asset back in the data field.
TxnParticipationWithdrawn1316Packet type for determining deserialization scheme and processingMessage sent by a participant while the transaction is in progress to indicate that the participant can no longer fulfill the contract and has withdrawn from the transaction.



Raw byte data corresponding to message type



Verifier of sender



Verifier of recipient



Nonce used to guard against replay attacks



optional transaction header

  "packet_type": 100,
  "data": "LengthVariesBasedOnData=",
  "sender": {
    "signature_system": 1,
    "verifier": "BytesLengthOfSenderVerifierVariesByAlgo="
  "recipient": {
    "signature_system": 1,
    "verifier": "AlgoVariesRecipientVerifierBytesLen="
  "nonce": "NonceBytesLenVaryByAlgo=",
  "transaction_header": {
    "starter": {
      "signature_system": 1,
      "verifier": "BytesLenStarterVerifierVariesByAlgo="
    "responder": {
      "signature_system": 1,
      "verifier": "AlgoVariesResponderVerifierBytesLen="
    "uetr": "UETR",
    "timestamp": "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z",
    "signature": "ByteLengthSignatureVariesByAlgo=",
    "user_reference": "USER_REFERENCE"