This service integrates with existing identity systems (Ex. Bank accounts) to bridge traditional account identifiers to DID/public key identifiers used in the Knox ecosytem. Leverages existing KYC/AML data to enable financial transaction compliance. Supports OIDC, SAML and other traditional AuthN/Z standards.
Jump to:
- AssociateWallet
- AuthnBrowserWithWallet
- AuthnWallet
- AuthnWithPassword
- AuthnWithProvider
- CheckApiKey
- ConfirmUser
- CreateApiKey
- CreateAuthnBrowserWithWalletChallenge
- CreateAuthnWalletChallenge
- CreateRegisterWalletChallenge
- DissociateWallet
- FindByEmail
- FindByID
- GetApiKeys
- GetAppSettings
- GetMe
- GetUserByDID
- HandleOIDCCallback
- HandleSAMLCallback
- ListUsers
- RefreshAccessToken
- RegisterUser
- RegisterWallet
- SAMLSPMetadata
- UpdateApiKeyStatus