Tutorial 4: Get-Set Distribution Limit

Get/Set Distribution Limits Tutorial

In this tutorial, we will walk through the checking and setting of a distribution limit for an Distributor. Example Bank will decide to request an increase in distribution limit of $100.00 to bring it to $10,000.00 from $9,900.00, which will be automatically approved by the Monetary Authority.

Step 1: Create an Authorized Intermediary

Please refer to and complete the creation of an Authorized Intermediary if you haven't already Tutorial 1: Create Intermediary. This example will be using Example Bank with a current available limit of $9,900.00 USD.

Step 2: Requesting an Increased Distribution Limit

The Example Bank now wants to request an increase in its distribution limit so it can send more CPFs to the Sample Bank in the future. On the top left of the Distribution Limit tab of Example Bank, we can request to increase the Distribution Limit.

Let's request to increase our limit by $100.00.

Let's click Request Increase.

The increase goes through for this Sandbox automatically (a real environment would have manual or automated checks instead of instant approval). We can also see after this that the Distribution Limit for Example Bank has been increased from $9,900.00 to $10,000.00.


In this tutorial, we walked through the checking and setting of an distribution limit for an Authorized Intermediary institution. Example Bank decided to request an increase in distribution of $9,900.00 to bring it to $10,000, which was approved (automatically for the purposes of this tutorial) by the Authority.